Saturday, May 05, 2007

you know what?

waking up at 6 in the morning to study is like, the greatest thing on earth! ;D

okay let me tell you i'm not the only crazy person who wakes up early to study okay!

you see, leongying woke up at 5 to study her geog,
and i decided to do my chemistry yupyup! :D

and then there's also really crazy people like xiquan eugene and minle who stay overnight to study! oh, but leongying and i agree is like very cool! although out parents won't allow la.

and then i'm like so energetic today! ^^
i shall wake at like 0430 tomorrow! yay!

right so let me tell you what i've done today!
1) 5 chapters of chem (four left)
2) 2 chapters of amath (three left)
3) 1 chapter of geog (three left)

ehh, i still have like loads more to go!

jiayou to everyone studying for midyears!
gogogogo! xD

and then i keep getting distracted!
i have no idea why! i think i can't concentrate for like more than three hours!

that's really bad aye!
so let me show you the results of boredom and distraction! ;D

here's my table a week ago! i assure you its 100 times tidier now xD

and then i got bored again and started taking photos of my love yup -.-

yup so there you go, my messy room, my lil piglet and that tinnyyy coffee cup!
no it doesn't contain coffee though,
i'd rather have tea to keep me awake! ;D

right i'm off to bathe and study for my geog.

and oh, skipping classes for studying is not fun at all. T.T

eeks i miss artclass and piano lesson and el tuition!
and not to forget choir! catechism o.O

righto, bye lovelies! ^^


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